The 'WELL » The 'WELL


The ‘WELL is a free, after-school program for school-aged youth in Hopewell City.  Developed through a partnership with the Hopewell City Council and the Hopewell City School Board, The ‘WELL Youth Center provides Hopewell children with opportunities to enrich their education, encourage creativity, have FUN and build positive and healthy relationships.  The ‘WELL stands for Wisdom, Equity, Love and Laughter.  Designed to provide a caring and supportive alternative environment for youth after school hours, The ‘WELL is equipped with a state-of-the-art game room, movie theater room, quiet study room, weight room, kitchen, multi-purpose room and coffee shop. 

Hours of Operation
Monday through Friday 12:00 PM-8:00 PM
Monday, Wednesday-Hopewell High School
Tuesday, Thursday, Friday-Carter G Woodson


The ‘WELL strives to become a place where Hopewell youth find joy, help, compassion, hope, belonging, voice and unconditional love.  Beginning with secondary school students, grades 6-12, all children are welcomed upon successful completion of the registration process.  Transportation from school can be provided as needed. 


"We cannot always build the future for our youth, but we can build our youth for the future" -Franklin D. Roosevelt.