Instruction » Positive Behavior Interventions and Support

Positive Behavior Interventions and Support

The PBIS (Positive Behavior Intervention and Supports) program involves providing unified support to students throughout the school. Staff is prepared and supported to promote positive work habits, reinforce skills and behaviors demonstrated by students and teach new forms of behavior to replace inappropriate behavior. The objective is that children will self evaluate and manage their behaviors. Skills and expectations are posted throughout the schools, and staff encourage students to demonstrate these skills across the school day. The program includes various ranges of reinforcement, from immediate to long-range. Each school utilizes tokens to praise students and to reinforce appropriate behaviors. Students also have opportunities to receive incentives for making the right choices.

The mission of all Hopewell City Schools is that every child can learn. We strive to bring the school and the community together to become lifelong learners. If a child can read, set high expectations, self-monitor, and behave appropriately, they will have higher self-esteem which will equate to better health and a lifetime of success. Positive behavior supports encourage students to make better choices academically, socially, and behaviorally.


Woodlawn Learning Center


The mission of Woodlawn Early Learning Center is to provide a safe and positive learning environment in which all children reach their full potential. We are committed to accomplishing this mission using the Pyramid Model (download below).  We are continually reflecting on our work to build nurturing and responsive relationships, ensure a high-quality inclusive environment, and provide targeted social-emotional supports and individualized interventions to make sure all students are successful. For more information, please contact Joyce Jones. 

Dupont Elementary

The Dupont Elementary SOAR program involves providing unified support to children throughout school. The SOAR program helps every staff member to promote positive work habits, reinforce skills and positive behaviors demonstrated by students, and teach new forms of behavior to replace inappropriate behavior. This program is designed for the success of all students.

If you have questions about Dupont's SOAR program please feel free to contact Patricia Lobo or Rhindra Gilliam at the school.

Click on the following links to download a DUPONT SOAR BROCHURE or a PLEDGE CARD.

Harry E. James Elementary


The mission of Harry E James Elementary School is to provide a safe, positive learning environment, enabling all children to reach their full potential. We are committed to accomplishing this mission by teaching, encouraging, and rewarding responsible behavior. We always teach our students how to resolve conflicts without physical contact. We also strive to improve social competence and academic behavior. Students may receive HEDGIES for demonstrating responsible behavior. These may be redeemed in our Hedgie Store every few weeks. Also, quarterly special events are held to celebrate accomplishments and to encourage HERO behavior. And finally, students can receive a POSITIVE referral if they are “caught” being kind, helpful, or responsible. If you have any questions about Harry E. James' PBIS Program please contact LaDonna Mills.


Click on the following links to download a PBIS BROCHURE and to see our SCHOOL-WIDE EXPECTATIONS.

Patrick Copeland Elementary

OPERATION RED (Responsible Every Day) Student Mission Statement: I am responsible for my actions. The mission of Patrick Copeland School is to provide a safe, positive learning environment, enabling all children to reach their full potential. We are committed to accomplish this mission by teaching, encouraging and rewarding responsible behavior. We are striving to improve social competence and academic behavior. Our focus this year is teaching conflict management strategies through peer mediation. Our students receive positive reinforcement and tokens for demonstrating responsible behavior. Students are provided the opportunity to shop frequently in our RED card store (Charlie's Mart). Quarterly special events are held to celebrate accomplishments and to encourage responsible behavior.

If you have any questions about Patrick Copeland's OPERATION RED Program please contact Tiffany Farmer at the school.

Click on the following link for the Operation RED BROCHURE.

Carter G. Woodson Middle

Each year, we continue to incorporate all the components of the PBIS program, including immediate, intermediate, and long term incentives. This program impacts approximately 890 middle school students each school year. Every child is included in the program, from the special needs child to the gifted child. Each Friday, students are afforded the opportunity to visit the "Paw Store" and use their paws to "buy" items. The store has anything from candy, bikes, IPODs, DVD players, school supplies, games, personal hygiene items, puzzles, books, tickets to school events, and many more articles. Throughout the year, staff members survey students to determine what they want in the store. For long term incentives, students who have not received any referrals in the allotted time period can do anything from have movie time, go on field trips, or have field day.   With PBIS, we hope to motivate children to make better choices concerning their behavior and teach students that good behavior and dedication will pay off in the long run.

If you have any questions about Carter G. Woodson's PAWS Program please contact Jeff Boarman, Cassie Ogle, or Angela Miller at the school.

Click on the following link for the "PRIDE" BROCHURE or student PAWS Procedures and CGW School Wide Expectations.

Hopewell High School

The goal of the PBIS team at Hopewell High School is to create a positive environment where students feel safe and are able to reach the highest level of academic success. Research demonstrates that when children are in a positive, predictable, consistent environment, they have better grades, better behavior, higher self-esteem, better school attendance, greater motivation and more success in life. 


We focus on being Present, On-task, and Progressing (POP)These are the behaviors that make our students successful! POP expectations are posted around the building to support the school community in displaying college- and career-readiness behaviors. Please click on the following link for Hopewell High's POP expectations for classrooms, hallways, and offices.


At the start of the year, students are explicitly taught the school-wide expectations in their classroom through live and recorded skits, hands-on activities and/or classroom discussions. Students are recognized by teachers each month for demonstrating the expectations.


In addition to teaching and recognizing the POP expectations, a range of student support and empowerment activities for students are coordinated by teachers and school counselors each year based on student need and current data. For more information about the social, emotional, workplace readiness and academic supports within Hopewell High School's PBIS Program, please contact Larry Cherry.