December 18 is Last Day for Childcare Program

The Hopewell CARES Pilot Childcare Program's last day of operation will be December 18th, 2020.  We were happy to be able to extend our original final date for the program from November 11 to December 18.  It has been a privilege to be able to support Hopewell City's program in our joint effort to help address some of the needs in our community related to supervision and access to instruction.  Without Hopewell City planning and support, and by extension, Parks and Recreation's work and CARES Act funding, this could not have happened.  After winter break, our hope is that supervision and access to instruction will continue to be addressed through the option for in-person learning.  Thanks to everyone's hard work and safe practices, we know that we can safely return to in-person learning.  Since the inception of the program on September 21st, and while operating eight learning pods with ten students enrolled in each, there have been no positive cases of coronavirus for any students or staff in the program.  There has been learning and fun.