Hopewell Parents,
We want to provide you with three important COVID updates.
First, we are making a change to the quarantine requirements for a student who has been exposed to someone who was positive. As we have throughout COVID, we want to balance the need for students to be able to come back to school when having no symptoms while we also limit health risks. Also, as you probably know, there is currently a limited supply of COVID tests throughout our region.
Given all of this, we are updating the requirements for students who are quarantined due to an exposure. The new requirement is for a 7 day quarantine and a test is recommended but not required. As always, if a student has symptoms they need to remain home and should get tested. And, if a student is recently vaccinated or boosted, they don't need to be quarantined at all if they don't have symptoms. These requirements meet and exceed CDC recommendations. More details on this will be provided directly to a parent if their child is identified as a close contact.
We will continue to provide drive-thru testing for students who currently have symptoms and for parents who otherwise still would like their child to be tested. There is drive-thru COVID testing tonight at HHS at 4:15-5:30 and tomorrow night at HHS at 5:00-6:00. Please remember a child must be registered with Mako in order to test.
Second, we are updating the way we message families about COVID cases in the school. We are continuing to maintain the COVID case information on our dashboard on our website but will no longer be making calls or emails to all families if there was a case at a school. We will still be calling families if their child is directly impacted.
Third, we are still reviewing the legal requirements regarding masking in schools and awaiting further information. At this point, masks are still required in all Hopewell City Public Schools and we will notify you when there is updated guidance or any changes.
We appreciate your understanding and all you do to help your child continue to come to school and learn safely.