Food Services
Menus change, particularly over the last few years. Children today are treated to far more variety and to more nutritious offerings they really enjoy. These items include salads, tacos and pizzas. All are prepared and served with less fat, sodium and sugar.
However there is one item which we serve that hasn't changed and will never change. It's called education.
When youngsters regularly eat balanced, nutritious meals they concentrate better in class. They participate more enthusiastically during lessons. They are more alert and more receptive to learning and most important...they retain what they have learned. It is just that simple. The school meals program in the Hopewell System provides a community service that helps make educating our children easier and more effective.
Hopewell Public City Schools Food Service serves convenient, economical, and healthy school meals, because education should always be at the top of the MENU.
However there is one item which we serve that hasn't changed and will never change. It's called education.
When youngsters regularly eat balanced, nutritious meals they concentrate better in class. They participate more enthusiastically during lessons. They are more alert and more receptive to learning and most important...they retain what they have learned. It is just that simple. The school meals program in the Hopewell System provides a community service that helps make educating our children easier and more effective.
Hopewell Public City Schools Food Service serves convenient, economical, and healthy school meals, because education should always be at the top of the MENU.
All students in Hopewell City Public Schools eat at no charge through the Community Eligibility Program. The Community Eligibility Provision (CEP) is a provision from the Healthy, Hunger-Free Kids Act of 2010 that allows schools and local educational agencies (LEAs) with high poverty rates to provide free breakfast and lunch to all students. CEP eliminates the burden of collecting household applications to determine eligibility for school meals, relying instead on information from other means-tested programs such as the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program and Temporary Assistance for Needy Families.
Hopewell City Public Schools is utilizing a new vendor to allow you to make cafeteria payments easier online. Make a payment and check meal history from Facebook or manage your account online by clicking above.