Title I
Title I is a federally funded program designed to help students meet and/or exceed state standards. The three elementary schools and the middle school participate in Title I school-wide programs with the goal to ensure all students get a high-quality education. Key components of Title I include:
- Needs assessment teams gather information to make data driven decisions related to student performance, ensuring success for all students.
- Continuous School Improvement Plans are developed by each school outlining components to ensure the success of students, parents, and teachers. Plans are posted below for review. There is also an annual Title I meeting outlining the components and parent/family nights.
The Hopewell City School Board recognizes that the education of each student is a responsibility shared by the school and the student's family. The Hopewell City School Board endorses the family engagement goals of Title I (20U.S.C. § 6318) and Title III (20U.S.C. § 7012(e) and encourages the regular participation by parents of all children including those eligible for Title I and Limited English Proficiency (LEP) programs in all aspects of those programs. In keeping with these beliefs, it is the intention of the Hopewell City School Board to cultivate and support active parental involvement in student learning.
HCPS is constantly searching for new ways and ideas to meet the needs of students and families. Parent input is a valuable tool in determining how we can improve. In an effort to pursue excellence, Hopewell City Public Schools strives to get as much feedback as possible. Please use this link to complete a parent survey.
Below please find the Division Family Engagement Policy, as well as the family engagement policies for Dupont Elementary, Harry E. James Elementary, Patrick Copeland Elementary, and Carter G. Woodson Middle School. Also available is the Division's Policy for Parents regarding classroom instruction, coursework, and homework.
The school division is constantly searching for new ways and ideas to meet the needs of students and families. Parent input is a valuable tool in determining how we can improve. In an effort to pursue excellence, Hopewell City Public Schools strive to get as much feedback as possible. If you have questions, feel free to contact the principal or Dr. Stephanie, the Title I Coordinator at 804-541-6400 or by email [email protected]. The Supervisor for Career and Technical Education, Ms. Kristina Truell, can also be reached at 804-541-6400 and her email address is [email protected]. We truly appreciate your support and look forward to using the input to further our development.
Hopewell School's Title I Family Engagement Handbook, which further explains components of Title I, can be accessed below, as well as School Title I Plans and Demographic Summaries by selecting the corresponding links.
For more information concerning ESSA - Every Student Succeeds Act - please visit the following link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1nVyJLLD_-Q
Please contact your school principal or speak to someone in the school office if you need assistance with language translation of this message. Thanks.
Por favor, póngase en contacto con el Director de su escuela o hablar con alguien en la Oficina de la escuela si usted necesita ayuda con la traducción de este mensaje. Gracias.
School Quality Profiles